This 27' catamaran is an update to oneof my earliest designs. Like the original,
it can still be trailed anywhere. Construction
is foam/glass for now, with considerable use
of the flat bagging table. I may do a CM version
in the future. Like the original, it is designed
to be easily built and offer great performance.
The stock plans call for aluminum or carbon
tube beams. Boards, deep kickup rudders and
a rotating rig help give superior pointing and
maneuvering. I kept the old interior below
as the new one will be generally the same but
with more room inside.
I see one hull sliding into the other, along
the tube, for trailering. This can happen on
the water.
As the new set is being done, the plans will
still be available for the price of the original.
Once the set is complete, the plans cost will
be competitive. The b&w picture is one of
the original set builds.